Gwyliwch hwn a rhagfynegwch beth fydd yn digwydd i’r wyau. Bydd Rhan 2 ar y wefan dydd Mercher. Watch this and predict what will happen to the eggs. Part 2 will be on the website on Wednesday.
Rhan 2 Tasg Tynnu dannedd Part 2 Pulling teeth Task
Ar ôl cynhesu, mae yma 10 gweithgaredd. Mae angen gwneud pob un am 30 eiliad yna gorffwys am 10 eiliad. Gwnewch y gweithgareddau i gyd 3 gwaith. Cofiwch orffen trwy twymo’r corff i lawr. After the warm up, there are 10 activities. Do each one for 30 seconds and rest for 10 seconds between each. Do the sequence of 10 activities three times. Don’t forget to cool down at the end. The warm up and cool down are shown in full.
Triwch ymarfer y sgiliau neu dilyn y fidio am 5 munud bob dydd. Try to practise these skills or follow this video every day.
Cofiwch wylio fidio Gwyddoniaeth 1 a rhagfynegi CYN gwylio hwn. Don’t forget to watch Gwyddoniaeth 1 (Science 1) and predict what will happen before watching this.